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New Transaction

  • HTTP CODE 500 should be marked as Pending transaction.
  • NETWORK TIMEOUT should be marked as Pending transaction.
  • If the transaction is accepted by the system, data.status will always started as PENDING
  • If you want to check transaction status, please refer to e Transaction Status section below or just wait for an update from our Callback system.
  • Possible transaction status: PENDING, REFUND, SUCCESS.

API Request

API Endpoint

Request Body

"refId": "TEST1",
"productCode": "GFFD5",
"dest": "123456789",
"maxPrice": 1000
refIdStringNoUnique Transaction ID from your server.
productCodeStringYesProduct Code, you can get it from Product endpoint.
destStringYesDestination Format should be match with destFormat on Product endpoint.
maxPriceIntegerNoYour transaction will be automatically rejected if the product price above maxPrice.

Response Body

Success Response

"success": true,
"data": {
"trxId": "TR646FB1F411AE7NHBHFPSM",
"refId": "TEST2",
"productCode": "GFFD5",
"productPrice": 855,
"userId": "1234567890",
"serverId": null,
"username": "LoremImpsum",
"voucher": null,
"phone": null,
"reference": null,
"status": "PENDING",
"message": "PROCESSING",
"balance": 329382123,
"createdAt": "2023-05-26 02:07:33"
"errors": null
  • Data userId, serverId, username, voucher, phone, reference are nullable, make sure to handle it properly on your side.
  • Possible transaction status: PENDING, REFUND, SUCCESS.

Error Response

"success": false,
"data": null,
"errors": {
"code": 400,
"attributes": null

Error Codes

MessageHTTPTransaction Created?Description
INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETERS400NoCheck your request parameter, maybe something is missing.
PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND400NoProduct not found or invalid product code.
PRODUCT_UNAVAILABLE400NoProduct currently not available, please try again later.
PRODUCT_OVERPRICE400NoProduct price are above maxPrice.
INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE400NoInsufficient balance, please reload your account balance.
INVALID_DESTINATION_FORMAT400NoInvalid User ID or destination format.
INVALID_DESTINATION400NoInvalid User ID or destination.
INVALID_OPTIONS400NoInvalid option value (mainly are serverId).
GENERAL_ERROR400NoGeneral Error.

Transaction Status

API Request

API Endpoint

Request Parameters

trxIdStringtrxId that you get after hitting Order endpoint.
refIdStringrefId is Unique ID from your system that you send to us on Order endpoint.
  • You can choose to check order status with trxId or refId.

Response Body

Success Response

"success": true,
"data": {
"trxId": "TR646FB1F411AE7NHBHFPSM",
"refId": "TEST2",
"productCode": "GFFD5",
"productPrice": 855,
"userId": "1234567890",
"serverId": null,
"username": "LoremImpsum",
"voucher": null,
"phone": null,
"reference": "S1234567890123456",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "COMPLETED",
"balance": 329382123,
"createdAt": "2023-05-26 02:07:33"
"errors": null
  • Data userId, serverId, username, voucher, phone, reference are nullable, make sure to handle it properly on your side.
  • Possible transaction status: PENDING, REFUND, SUCCESS.

Error Response

"success": false,
"data": null,
"errors": {
"code": 400,
"attributes": null